Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Blog

Can You Get a DUI on a Bike?
DUI | November 24, 2022DUI stands for driving under the influence. What if you’re on the road and not driving? Can you get a DUI on a bike? The answer is yes. If you’re in any kind of vehicle on public roadways while intoxicated, you can get a DUI. That includes bicycles under the laws of Colorado. If you…DUI vs Wet and Reckless Convictions
Uncategorized | October 26, 2022The phrase "Wet Reckless" refers to a special plea agreement for DUI/DWAI offenders in which the penalties are reduced to a lesser offense. During negotiations, you can be given a wet reckless, which is a lesser charge of reckless driving. In Colorado, a wet reckless charge is preferable to a DUI or DWAI, but you…DUI and Your 4th Amendment Rights
DUI | October 25, 2022The Fourth Amendment safeguards people from unauthorized searches, seizures, and arrests and necessitates a court-issued warrant even in situations when there is probable cause. However, there is a gap in the law that allows a warrantless stop if the officer thinks the motorist or the public are in danger. Cops don't have a clear-cut definition…Refusing to take a roadside breathalyzer test in Colorado
DUI | July 13, 2021A DUI or DWAI conviction in Colorado can wreak havoc on all aspects of your life. In addition to facing criminal penalties like the loss of your driving privileges, community service hours, fines, and jail time, a DUI or DWAI conviction can have other consequences as well. You may lose your job or have a…