Colorado Springs Criminal Defense Blog

Colorado Driver’s License Points FAQ
The state of Colorado, like most states, has a "point system" that is utilized to keep track of traffic offenses for licensed drivers. Get too many points within a certain period of time, and there is the potential to lose your driver's license. Clearly, this could have disastrous effects on your day to day life,…What is Domestic Violence?
Domestic Violence | September 25, 2017Domestic violence is a confrontation among family members, but it is a widely misunderstood and overused term. Many assume that domestic violence must include physical altercations, but confrontations take many forms under the statute. In fact, domestic violence may include any encounter with physical, emotional, mental, or sexual abuse. Spouses and former spouses, family members…Is Off-Base Conduct Covered by Military Law?
Criminal Defense of Military Personnel | September 18, 2017If you are an active duty service member, you must adhere to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Under this code, you are required to follow all rules of conduct expected by the military, whether you are on base, off base, or even active duty. If you are sent on furlough, which is a…Can I Be Arrested for a DUI in My Driveway?
DUI | September 11, 2017A DUI is not something that always happens on the road. It could be in a parking lot, on a private road, or even your driveway. The statute does not allow private property as a defense to a DUI, and a DUI can occur on almost any solid surface in the state. This is because…