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Exploring the Marijuana DUI Statistics

Call us now or schedule a free consultation and Attorney Christian Schwaner will personally contact you to discuss your case.

Attorney Christian Schwaner

DUI Defense Attorney Fighting Marijuana DUI Charges in Colorado

Colorado officers and courts have not tracked cannabis-involved DUIs before 2014. However, after cannabis was legalized in the state, the court system began monitoring the number of cannabis DUIs.

From 2014 to 2015, fewer than 15 percent of DUI citations from state troopers involved cannabis usage. The total number of DUIs related to cannabis use have decreased 1.3 percent from 2014 to 2015.

Traffic Fatalities More Common with Alcohol than Marijuana

One interesting fact is that there are more DUI-fatalities associated with alcohol than there is with marijuana. In fact, the Colorado Department of Transportation found that car accidents are not correlated with cannabis use. In 2014, approximately 32.7 percent of accidents with a fatality involved alcohol, while only 12.3 percent of drivers in fatal accidents had positive marijuana tests.

A clear majority of marijuana users in the state do not even drive.

No Increased Risk from Cannabis Use

In another large-scale study, it was found that there was no increase for a crash risk associated with cannabis use compared to alcohol use. The study was conducted by the United States National Highway Traffic Safety Administration(NHTSA), and they found that the cannabis crash risk estimate of 92 percent was greatly over exaggerated. They found that the increase was less than 1.2 percent.

Other Facts on Marijuana DUIs

While there might not be an increased risk for a fatality while driving under the influence of marijuana, it is still illegal to operate a vehicle after using this substance. Therefore, any amount of marijuana in your system could result in charges, especially if you were to cause an accident.

In Colorado, the legal limit is five nanograms per milliliter of blood.

What Does Under the Influence Mean?

Under the influence means that you cannot operate a vehicle safely because of your marijuana in your system. As you know, marijuana has different effects than alcohol. However, the same penalties apply regardless of which substance caused your impairment.

While you might not have a blood test with an over the limit level of THC in your system, you could still face a DUI charge and the associated penalties. For example, if you are recklessly driving or cause an accident, your THC level (in any amount) could be used against you.

Driving as a Medical Marijuana User

In Colorado, there are medical marijuana users as well. While you might be prescribed marijuana, you still cannot drive while taking the medication. As a medical marijuana user, you must know the state’s approach to being under the influence. Furthermore, listen to the physician prescribing your medication to ensure you do not break the law while using your prescribed marijuana.

Most medical marijuana products are in higher concentrations than those purchased for private use; therefore, you must be extra cautious about using medical marijuana and operating a vehicle or heavy machinery.

Arrested for a Marijuana-Related DUI? Contact an Attorney

If you or a loved one was arrested for a marijuana-related DUI, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney as quickly as possible.

Speak with Christian A. Schwaner, P.C. today regarding your DUI. As a former prosecutor, he understands the system and can help you achieve favorable results in your case. Schedule your consultation today at 719-577-9700 or request an appointment online.

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Christian A. Schwaner

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney

on Avvo

Christian is a Former Deputy District Attorney who has been defending clients for the last twenty years in the Colorado Springs area. He knows the system and can help clients facing a wide range of criminal charges.

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    I contacted Christian for a DUI case after being told multiple times by other lawyers that there was no hope in helping my case. Christian went above and beyond to help me, and I would not be where I am today without him!

    Christian will fight for your case and will get you the best possible results. Being in a difficult situation, Christian will find you a solution. Christian is an attorney with solid results always on time without any delays. Thank you Christian.

    No one ever wants to needs lawyer but we’re so grateful to have found Christian Schwaner. He was compassionate, knowledgeable and a great communicator. I would recommend him in a heartbeat.