Category: DUI

Will Utah’s Lowered BAC Come to Colorado?
DUI | May 5, 2017Experienced DUI Defense Attorney Protecting Colorado's Drivers Utah has passed an historic bill. The bill, signed by Utah Governor Gary Herbert, lowers the maximum blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit to 0.05 percent. This is the lowest BAC limit in the United States, which makes Utah the official carrier of the strictest state on drunken driving.…Drugged Driving: Prescriptions Count, Too
DUI | April 20, 2017DUI Attorney Discusses Drugged Driving Charges in Colorado Springs, Colorado Most drivers are aware of the seriousness of drinking and driving, and the many laws against it. In Colorado, you might also be aware that it is illegal to drive while drugged. For most motorists, “drugged” refers to illegal substances. However, did you know that…What Not to Do When Taking Your Field Sobriety Test
DUI | April 13, 2017DUI Attorney Discusses Field Sobriety Tests and Colorado Springs Drivers After you have been pulled over by law enforcement under the suspicion of drunken driving, you are naturally inclined to be worried. Officers who suspect a motorist of drinking and driving will administer a field sobriety test, which makes a person’s anxiety increase. Regardless of…What is a Per Se DUI Law?
DUI | March 20, 2017DUI Defense Lawyer Protecting Colorado's Citizens Most people know that there are DUI statutes in Colorado, but what many may not realize is that there are also “per se laws” that could land them in jail. A per se law for DUI and DWAI cases means that once you have a blood alcohol content (BAC)…